Monday, March 9, 2009

No More Pacifiers

I've been working toward getting rid of the pacifier for quite some time now. Quite a while back we got it down to where Brian only got a pacifier if he was in bed or in his car seat. In early February, I took it away while he was in the car seat so he only got it in bed. In late February I took all the pacifiers away except one. I knew I needed to just get rid of them all together but was internally struggling with taking away the ONE material thing my son loved and counted on for soothing himself. I was worried about him self-soothing and about my sanity without a pacifier. One week ago (March 2) I got determined and took Brian's pacifier away for good. Jason and I were all geared up for a long night awake reassuring Brian only to be surprised by the fact that Brian went straight to sleep, slept through the night, and even slept an hour later the next morning. I was astounded! I had never heard of such an easy transition. Surely nap time would be a struggle - nope. Again, Brian went straight to sleep and slept a normal nap length. No way! I kept thinking it must be a fluke, but he has been doing fine since then and hasn't once asked for his pacifier. He amazes me everyday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

he should be sucking daddys c--k by now never mind a paci, mine is 18 mths and I am starting him