Thursday, March 22, 2007

Week 12

Well I am officially 12 weeks and 3 days pregnant (based on my estimated due date), which means that I only have 4 more days left of my first trimester! Its kind of crazy cause I still feel like it is all a big joke like in a few weeks someone is going to go "Ha ha - fooled you!" but I know it's not. I still don't feel pregnant. Anytime I talk about it or think about or someone buys the baby something it just feels like we are having the same daydream and it's never really going to happen anytime soon. The only time that I do feel even remotely pregnant is when my body is revolting against me and those times are not fun! So far being pregnant sucks. I have heard over and over, however, that it is MORE than worth it, and I know it will be.

Ok so what's new? I have lost a total of 13 pounds since February 19 which is a little weird to me. Part of me wants to be happy that I am loosing weight, but the other part of me is like well this isn't really the time to be loosing weight. I am not too concerned at this point because the doctors are ok with it and most people I talk to that have been pregnant say that a lot of people loose weight in the first trimester from being sick and such. So for now, it's no big deal. If I don't start gaining weight at least toward the end og my second trimester, then I will worry.

I sopke with the docotr (well Jason did it for me actually cause I was in school) and she said that I can stop taking the progesterone suppossitories since we have seen a good strong fetal heart rate. Yay! I have been taking my pre-natal vitamins and they make me a little bit sick, but I will live. They tested me last time I went to the office to see if I was a carrier of the Cystic Fibrosis (CF) gene and it came back negtive which is really good news. That means that the chances of our baby having CF is really really insanely low so one less thing for me to have to worry about

I have been really sick this week, but a different kind of sick. Apparently I do not have high enough progesterone levels to keep me from bleeding some, but I DO have high enough levels to stop up my bowels. Progesterone is the major contributor to constipation during pregnany and it all starts at about 12 weeks - well suprize, suprize - I am 12 weeks and what happens? MAJOR constipation! Not cool.I will spare you all of the gross details, but I was sick - to say the least. I had my first real meal since Sunday yesterday for lunch. From Sunday to Wednesday all I ate was steamed white rice.

I feel a little guilty this morning because I have been really good about cutting down on sodas. I am down to about a can every other day (they say 9 cans a day is still in the safe range for the baby), but today I stopped by Sonic and got a large DrPepper. So much for being good. I guess I will just have to lay off for the next few days. I sure do love my DrPepper! Speaking of which, has anyone else heard that Diet DrPepper contains prune juice or is that just a myth? Christina told me that yesterday and if that is the case, I need to be drinking Diet DrPepper. Let me know if you have heard that too.

Well my next appointment with the OB is on Monday, April 2, but I also have an exam that day so I need to call her today and see if I can't reschedule. Hopefully during the next appointment we will be able to schedule the date that we get to find out the sex and if the baby has the CLCP or not. The doctor was really nice about all of it and assured me that we would take a look on the 3d/4d sonogram to make sure the face has developed properly so I am way excited about that. I will get to see my baby's face before he/she is even here. I will try an post a pic of it is they give us a copy (this is still at least 2 months away however). I have tried to scan in the sonograms, but have not been able to because of the paper thay use and how much black ink they use too. Sorry

So people have already begun buying things for that baby. I got a onsie from Laura (my mother-in-law) that says 'Miracle' on it and is OH SO adorable. And then my mom and sister were at Dillard's the other day and found all kinds of baby Chirstmas outfits on sale for like 3 and 4 dollars. They bought 1 little boys outfit with Santa in a helicopter that says 'Baby's First Christmas' on the back and 'Ho, Ho, Ho' across the butt - CUTE! They also got 2 little girls outfits one is a Mrs. Clause type suit thing and the other is white with Santa on it. They all came with cute little hats too! They are the perfect size (if my baby is normal sized) - 3 months. They are so little. It makes me think about how I made something that is going to be totally dependent on me and only that big. It's all kind of crazy and OH so exciting! I am SO excited! Thats all that has been bought so far that I know of. I should be getting more soon though cause I know that my mom and sister are going to be shopping this weekend. We'll see what we get! I can't wait for baby to be here. I wanna see what he/she looks like and acts like. I am nervous and exctied. I can't with till I can feel him/her move. Ugh - ok enough daydreaming, I need to study.

Ok, well I try and keep this more updated, but for right now, not a lot is going on really and I am trying to stay ahead in my classes (what a concept) so I am quite busy. Plus being sick has taken away a lot of my free time. If anything happes I will try and update though.

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