Wednesday, March 7, 2007


So the doctors visit went well. All my hormone levels (except Progesterone) are good and within the correct range. They drew my blood while I was there and are going to check all kinds of things, but the one I care about the most is the progesterone levels. Hopefully thewy will calling me soon with some good news. So I have lost 8.5 since I got pregnant which the doctor is not worried about. Its just cause I have been so sick to my stomach. She gave me a prescription for Zofran (an anti-emetic) and I took some this morning and it seems to be helping a lot so I am happy. The doctor did a pelvic exam and checked out my bone structure. She said that I have pretty small hips and that I need to hope/pray/think positive about having a baby less than 8 pounds. She said that a 6.5 pound baby would be perfect and very easy for me to deliver, but anything above 8 pounds and I will probably have to get a C-section. That scares me. I DO NOT want a C-section. Anyway, we also talked about my high risk for having a baby with Cleft Lip - Cleft Palate since Jason and his brother have it. She said that we will do a 4d sonogram at about 20 weeks to check the development of the face and see what we can see. If we do not see anything on the sonogram then it means we are in the clear for the lip, but there will still be a chance that the baby has cleft palate. We will not know about cleft palate until it is born. She also said that even though CLCP (cleft lip cleft palate) is multifactorial, since both Jaosn and Noah have, we are at a higher risk because in Jasons case it seems to be more genetic than normal. Its not really a big deal, it'll just be nice to know ahead of time so that we can be prepared. We will need to have a plastic surgeon set up which we already know which one we use, and CLCP babies also require a little bit different care. They have to use special nipples to feed since they cannot effectively "lach on" or suck. It'll all be good. I am about 10 weeks along which means that I will be able to find out the sex of the baby in about 10 more weeks (I am half way there). Ok I think that all about the baby.

I also have been talking to my room-mate from undergrad (Stephanie K) and she is getting married in July. She has asked me to be one of her bridesmaids so I am SUPER excited, but I am going to be a VERY pregnant bridesmaid by the time her wedding comes so it should be interesting. She is coming into town this weekend and we are going to go shopping even though she has pretty much already found her dress. I guess I am going to have spend a day or two looking for my bridesmaid dress over Spring Break cause I don't know when I will have the time. That'll be interesting. She said she thinks that the store I want to get my dress from has a pregnancy pillow that you strap on so that you can find a dress that will "fit" a little better. IDK. It'll be a new experience, but I am excited none the less. I am so happy for her. I kind of feel bad that I am pregnant cause I don't want to take ANY bit of attention away from her on her big day. It should be fine. I hope.

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