On another note, it's been a while since I updated and Brian had his 6 month check-up not too long ago. He weighed in at 17.2 pounds (6mo. and 2wk.) which puts him in the 35% for weight. He was right around 26 inches long which puts him at 25% for his height. He is a little shorty!
We asked about the spot on his cheek and my doctor said it is eczema (which is what I originally thought it was). She gave us some lotion to use and a steroid cream to put on it and it is looking much much better. Hopefully soon it will be all the way gone.
Brian is getting much better at eating. He can handle solid foods pretty well as long as I make sure the pieces are small enough. He has tried scrambled eggs, french fries, and bread. We only really feed him solids when we go out to eat (which isn't too often). He gets quite angry now if anyone around him eats and he is not eating too - so we end up having to give him something to keep him from getting out of hand. I need to go buy some baby type finger foods instead of the unhealthy stuff I have been giving him. I am working on that.
We are practicing drinking from a sippy cup and he has gotten a lot better at that. He still doesn't hold it on his own (even though he holds his own bottle), but he has gotten the concept down that if he bites down on the "nipple" stuff comes out and when he isn't biting down nothing comes out. It won't be long until he do it himself.
Brian has discovered the joy of splashing in the bath tub which is fun. He is also doing much better in that if he sticks his face in the water (forgetfully) he doesn't automatically freak out and take a breath in. If he does, however, forget and breaths in a little water he just coughs it up and goes on about playing. No crying and no getting upset. He is just growing up so fast!
Lately, Brian has become obsessed with books and reading. He will sit in my lap and let me read to him (usually a Dr. Seuss) and on every page he tries to grab the picture. He still hasn't gotten the concept that it is a 2-D picture and not 3 dimensional. Toward the end of the book he tends to get angry that he cannot touch the object on the page and begins to bang his hands onto the book. Usually at this point I give him a cardboard book he can chew on which makes it better. He will also get mad if I try and take his books away from him.
I think that is all the new news for now. I hope I didn't leave anything major out. I will try and get the video posted of him crawling as soon as I can.
Here is a picture of what happened when we gave Brian a spoon to play with while we tried to feed him (the spoon didn't have anything in it - it was just for him to play with):
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