Thursday, April 10, 2008

ba ba ba

Well I don't know what nana did to him, but Brian stayed with her for a day and came back a changed boy! Yesterday Jason and I went to go look at Pilot schools and left Brian with Jason's mom (nana). When we picked him up later that day he was blabbering on and on saying his 'b's. (bababa). Before we took him to see nana he only said 'g's (gagaga and googoogoo). Not only that, but every time he has gone to sleep since we left nana's all we have to do is lay him down in his bed and off he goes (unwrapped and everything)! Before nana's miracle touch we had to pat him and sing to him until he fell asleep. It was a lot of work. Now we just lay him down and walk out of the room - WONDERFUL! We may need to visit nana more often.

Something that Brian has started doing recently is giving kisses. I love it. He does it mostly right when he wakes up. He will grab my face with both of his hands and pull my face to his face. He will open his mouth and put it right on my mouth and wait for me to make the kissey sound (mwah). A lot of times he will try and kiss back but it mostly is just a wet slobbery chomp, but hey its the thought the counts and I love it!

Brian is getting closer and closer to crawling everyday. He now will get on all fours and rock back and forth trying to figure out how to move. It's funny to see him concentrate so hard. I know he is trying to just figure it out, but hasn't quite got it yet. It won't be long and he will be into everything!

We are hopefully going to get in to see the pediatrician soon - we are waiting for them to call us. He has an appointment with the cardiologist at the end of this month - hopefully we he will get a clean bill of heath. We think he will.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I will never reveal my secrets!

Brian and I had a wonderful time playing together!! I think I just wore him out.

Thanks for a wonderful day. It was awesome.

Love, laura (Nana)