Thursday, August 23, 2007

Pros and Cons of Pregnancy

Top 10 Things I Dislike About Being Pregnant:

10. Fear of the unknown (birth)
9. Not being able to sleep how I want to
8. Getting hot so easily
7. Not being able to bend over to pick things up or tie my own shoes
6. Moving slow
5. Being tired ALL the time
4. Using the bathroom every 15 minutes
3. Sore back, pelvis, sacrum, and pubic symphysis
2. Swollen feet, ankles, and hands
1. Waiting

Top 10 Things I Like About Being Pregnant:

10. Getting the nursery ready
9. Daydreaming about my son
8. (Sometimes) the baby belly
7. I know this is nerdy, but I like knowing the medical/physiological reason my body does certain things and then seeing them happen
6. Talking about my son or about being pregnant
5. Seeing Jason talk to or rub my baby belly
4. Poking him and feeling him respond to my touches
3. Watching him move
2. Feeling him move
1. Getting a son who is a product of myself and the man I love

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